Monday, October 01, 2007

Scantastic! Korea 2001

While no doubt you've heard the story of my abysmal first trip to Korea back in 2001, unless you're Melissa you probably haven't seen too many photos from that trip. I just scanned in 21, and while I haven't yet loaded them onto, they *are* available for your viewing pleasure over on flickr. Just click here to check them out! (I like to think that my photography has improved a lot since then - both in terms of the camera I use and my own personal skill. Nonetheless, these photos are interesting to look at. Also, I'm currently working on scanning in photos from my 2004 trip to Korea; I'll let you know as soon as they're online.)


Anonymous said...

I just purchased your book and the late Shawn Matthews' two from Lulu. I hope I get my money's worth. Are you getting rich off of royalty checks?

Right now my bosses are looking for a prospective spouse for me. I think they are trying to tie me down here for the long term. They are also finally learning that I don't care for last minute nonsense concerning the scheduling of classes or combining them with different language levels. They at least told me tonight that I have a class for tomorrow that wasn't there before. I was dumbstruck since now I wouldn't have to do some song and dance for a class I wouldn't have been prepared for. Now, I'm set for tomorrow. Just a few hours consideration is wonderful.


John from Daejeon

DCP said...

I know that we live in a digital age and everything, and the resolution of digital photos is the same or better than actual film, but to me there's just something more pleasing about actual film photos. I don't know what it is. But I like these.

annie said...

John - Thanks for the purchase. Sadly, I'm not exactly getting rich off of my lulu goods. Hope you enjoy it.

Glenn - I'm a big fan of the instant gratification of the digital camera. And the fact that I can take 24 photos or 500 photos and I'm not out any extra money. And then I don't later have to scan in all my photos in order to share them with you cats. Although I do like ordering print copies of my digital pics. They're great for home decor.