Friday, October 05, 2007

"They're the people who are trying to kill us."

Last night at the fair (see previous post), several local churches had set up booths. That in itself isn't surprising; we're in the Bible Belt after all. I'm certainly not a fan of people proselytizing to me, but I respect the beliefs of others enough that I usually just smile politely and try to extricate myself as quickly as possible. One kindly looking, grandfatherly old man approached me as I walked past one of the church booths, holding out what I assumed would simply be a Christain tract of some kind. As he handed it to me he asked, "Do you know about Islam? They're the people who are trying to kill us! Next Thursday, Dave Miller [this fellow] is coming to tell us all about them. You should come." Oh. My. God.


DCP said...


You should go.

annie said...

Part of me wants to go, just so I can write a blog about the ridiculous things I'm sure he'll say... but I rather expect that the experience would be horrible and not worth the blog-writing benefit.

Brooke said...

Gah, I can't spend twenty minutes on his website without foaming at the mouth. What an idiot. You'd never make it through the whole speech.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I think going to things like that would be really interesting from an anthropological point of view. Usually, though, I manage to realize that I would just end up disgusted (to the point of being physically ill). I'd stay away as an act of self preservation.

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with your post, but I think you might like it anyway.

Now, I wish that he would have been cast in the role that he previously played in 1972 in the live action version.

Anonymous said...

Damn, he wasn't in the animated movies--also the wrong year. That's what I get for taking someone's words in the comments section as being thoroughly researched. However, he still should have been in the live action films.

annie said...

Damn John, that was some bizarre shit! And now I'm going to have that song stuck in my head for days! Bilbo....

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the local police's hate crimes division would want a look at that... "Inflammatory racial remarks", etc.


Anonymous said...

Some Christian groups use "tracts" which are little booklets that look like children's cartoons but are actually filled with hate and terror to reach out to children. Last visit to my sister's house I found this one (or one similar). If you have free time it is interesting to look at the other tracts available on their page. They are all horrible. I can't imagine ever letting my child read this stuff -- let alone share it with his/her friends!

annie said...

M, Somehow I suspect that the local police wouldn't be concerned whatsoever about actual hate crimes against Muslims, much less "Inflammatory racial remarks" directed against them. Sigh.

Anonymous - I have definintely seen Chick's tracts before, and they completely horrify me. Not to mention that I have been handed such tracts numerous times by *children* - terrifying.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why you all seem to think this is "hate" literature...a bit idiotic...but not hateful. The people who publish these tracts believe that they are "saving" the muslims from eternal damnation. If it was truly "hate" inspired they would not be offering them a way out. Also, the part about the muslims worshiping the "Moon god" is true. I have done extensive studying in the area of religious history and Muhammad DID incorporate many "Pagan" rituals and beliefs into the formation of his new religion.