Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Scantastic: Pass the baby the wine edition

I've spent the past couple of days scanning in photos from family photo albums before the print copies finally disintegrate and vanish into dust. My mom kept photo albums from my birth in 1978 though 1988. When I was 10 I began to look ridiculously unphotogenic, and I'm somewhat convinced that this is why she stopped keeping albums. Post-1988 photos are all in a box in her house. I'm not sure I've got it in me to tackle the task of sorting through them! Anyway, I've uploaded sixty-nine of my childhood photos to a set in flickr. While they will probably only be of interest to family and childhood friends, you're all welcome to take a look. The photos can be seen by clicking here. This is my favorite of the photos, taken on Christmas 1979 - it looks like I'm asking someone to pass me the bottle of wine!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Me, Christmas dinner 1979


Anonymous said...

A cute set of photos, really liked the last one where you are wearing what I'm guessing is your first pair of eye glasses. Funny how big eye glasses looked so smart in the 1980's but now look sooooo dorky. I know someone who still wears that kind. When do you think they will come back into fashion?

Anonymous said...

Whoa! The 70's! I'm sure my parents have pictures like this too, but they're all on slides and no one ever bothers to drag those out anymore.

It's mean of your mom to put the age 10+ photos in a box when SHE'S probably the one who picked out those glasses! :) Which is the only bad thing about that last photo. You didn't become any less cute.

Brooke said...

A few things...

A blonde Jane?!! Who knew...

It was unnerving to have to constantly remind myself that in some of those pictures, it was your mom and not you! The resemblance is amazing.

The fact that your family planted potatoes makes me happy for some reason. Maybe it's because I miss potato-planting in Siberia with my host family. Or because my (actual) mom has always had what she calls a "black thumb."

What was up with all of those JonBenet outfits, anyway?

-Brooke S.

annie said...

anon - I so hope that those glasses never come back into style. Not only does no one look good in them, but then all my hipster Korean specs would be considered uncool.

Megan - I don't *actually* think she stopped putting photos in the albums because I started looking funny; it just seems that way since that one of me in the glasses and the ballet outfit was the last photo in the last album... Also, *I* chose those glasses for myself. Sigh.

Brooke - I've totally confused some people at the college where Mom works recently; they start talking to me and then realize wait a minute... :-) But why was it that she got the cool hair color? Not that I didn't like the platinum look, but why'd my hair decide to go all dirty dishwater on me? Boo! Also, if by "JonBenet outfits" you mean the costumes, those were for dance recital for my ballet class. (No pageantry in my youth, believe me!)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE these pictures! How cute and your family looked so happy. You know, you had a pool and a pony -- you were spoiled! ;)Also, I agree with everyone that you look JUST LIKE your mom from those pictures. How old was she when she had you? I want to plant potatoes with my child, but I also want to have a job (which reqires me to live in a city)...what to do, what to do.


Brooke said...

The first thought I had when I looked at this picture was, Aw, so blonde!

Then I checked the comments and realized Brooke S. had already commented on that.

Brooke S., we are destined to be identical name friends. :)

~Brooke R.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Melissa, for telling Jane she was spoiled. She actually thinks she had a deprived childhood because I bought her clothes at yardsales and HOB!