Thursday, October 25, 2007

Learning about Kyrgyzstan

This is the first time in a long while that I've planned an extended sojourn in a country about which I know next to nothing. I've been trying to educate myself on this topic, although I must admit that I'm finding it quite difficult to relate to Central Asia from Waycross, GA! Nonetheless, I've gathered a whole bunch of links which I've been perusing, and which perhaps you'll check out too. Here's some of what youtube has to offer:

A nice introduction to the capital city Bishkek, where I'll be living.

Photo and video clips set to music

Different photo and video clips set to music.

Here are some English language Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia
blogs and news sites:

Eurasianet Kyrgyzstan Archive
neweurasia: kyrgyzstan
neweurasia: central asia

Kyrgyzstan's been in the news recently, although you might not have noticed if you weren't looking for it. As I know very little about Kyrgyzstan's politics at this point, I figure it will be better for me to link you to the articles, rather than to attempt to summarize them for you :-)

I've also ordered a huge stack of books from Some I'll try to read before I leave in January; others I'm planning on taking with me. In case you're interested, these are my purchases:

The Great Game by Peter Hopkirk and

If you have any book/news/blog suggestions for me on this topic,
please share!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Although you've probably already viewed 100s of Kyrgyzstan photos on Flickr, here is another link to photos apparently taken by someone who lived there as an expat. Some of these photos look, at least to me, like National Geographic quality.