Sunday, October 21, 2007

This land is OUR land :-)

Well, we've finally closed on the eight acres, so this morning mom and I took the dogs out there for a run. I should explain that my mom owns three dogs: Ursa, a 12 year old near toothless chow suffering from congestive heart failure, Blix, a 5ish year old, well-behaved German Shephard and Shiva, a year old lab/pit-bull mix someone abandoned at my house as a puppy while I was in Korea. Shiva is beautiful and well meaning, but she has SO MUCH ENERGY and she is also incredibly strong. The dogs have about half an acre at mom's house to run around on. Blix and Ursa seem fine with that, but it's pretty obvious that Shiva has been dying to have the entire Ware County countryside to run around in. The dogs had an incredible amount of fun, rolling around in every mud-puddle and patch of swampland (not on our land, just nearby) that they could find. Shiva even found a rancid deer leg (she was very disappointed that we wouldn't let her bring it home). Ursa got tired out pretty quickly, but the other two took quite some time to wear down. But we did succeed in tiring them out; all three slept all afternoon once they got home.

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Mom with her dogs: Shiva, Ursa and Blix

Due to the close proximity to swampland, the mosquitoes are hella big:
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(This one's for scale)

And on a totally different note: Mia was curled up in my bathroom sink looking cute, so I ran to get my camera. I came back in time to capture this stinky gem:
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Mia watches as Daddy Cat poops over the edge of the box.


Matthew said...

What IS it with cats and sinks? Cats In Sinks

Oh, and the comment window size is all better now :) My new gripe: Why do you have to re-enter a new captcha after you preview? It's not like you became non-human.

Anonymous said...

'thinking outside the box' has a whole other meaning for cat people!

annie said...

Matthew - OMG - so much cuteness! I could spend all day on that site. As far as the captcha thing... I have no idea what to tell you. Other than perhaps don't preview :-)

Mom - I know! Can he *please* think INSIDE the box? Or use that gigantic Daddy Cat sized box i bought him? Is this too much to ask? Sigh.