Saturday, October 27, 2007

Kitty cuteness with Livia and Mia


Matthew said...

Aren't they sweet!
I think Livia has a new favorite carpet.

Gwen said...

Haha! I'm sure Songi will be happy to know that someone is putting Mia in her place.

Last week, Songi found the green mouse that Mia had stolen from Princess. She absolutely loves playing with it! This is the first time ever that Songi has had an interest in a toy. So far she's ripped out its nose and both eyes.

Diana said...

Has Mia met her match?

Livia really is a good name for her. LOVE IT!

krayzykatlady said...

i WILL NOT believe that there was no 'nip involved in this incident...

annie said...

Matthew - you think they're sweet, but that Livia's a little devil.

Gwen - Mia actually seems to enjoy Livia's attention. They spend hours racing around the house, taking turns chasing each other. Mia's the only cat here who will play with Livie. Meanwhile, your story about Songi just proves that she's a cat in disguise!

Diana - Maybe! Livia's one tough cookie. My face has the scratches to prove it.

Linda - I SWEAR there wasn't. This was all natural behavior. My cats are weird.