Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Justice, Moral Reasoning and Boredom

I mentioned the other day that I'm covering local community college classes while the teacher is away. This involves little other than taking roll and showing movies. The classes that I covered at the college today got to watch a video on justice and morality in political philosophy. I expected it to be pretty dull. I majored in PolySci and know that it takes a very engaging professor to bring political philosophy to life; sadly many of the PolySci profs out there are lacking in the needed skill to prevent one from nodding off. This film turned out to be quite interesting. It consisted of excerpts from a lecture class at Harvard University. The professor doing the lecturing was quite witty, and I (and the Harvard students) frequently laughed out loud. Meanwhile, my classroom was filled with blank expressions. At one point in the film, pi was mentioned. One of the students, confused, looked at the one next to her and said, "Wha's he talkin' 'bout pie for?" to which the response was a bewildered "Dunno." Sigh.

1 comment:

Matthew said...

AHAHAHAHA. That's classic.

"Wha's he talkin' 'bout pie for?"

I believe the proper term is "ROFL"!

I'm pretty sure that it takes a very engaging professor to bring pretty much any subject to life, especially maths, sciences, etc.

More often than not, I would have to resort to making a witty comment to keep the class awake.